
Press Featuring Dr. David Phelps

News Max Finance: Why our Economy Is Still in Shambles and Will Likely Get Much Worse

This is the third installment of a three part series on financial literacy and the basic understanding of inflation, and economy in general. We explore more deeply exactly why Dr. David Phelps predicts higher inflation in the future and ways consumers can protect themselves. Armed with this knowledge, you can watch veterans in the economic market yourself, and make informed decisions, protecting your financial security.

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Fox Business: Squatters, be gone! How to keep your property safe and secure from unwanted occupants

A squatter is someone who doesn’t own or rent a property, but chooses to live there anyway. People often think this is limited to someone who is broke and doesn’t have a job. You might think of a homeless person you see on the street, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes – and this is happening a lot more these day – it could be someone that used to live at the property and refuses to leave, or it could even be someone who simply breaks in and takes over the property. Several factors are driving the increase in squatters today…

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News Max Finance: Adapting to Today;s Declining and Uncertain Economy

The economy is currently facing a multitude of challenges, including growing inflation, bank collapses, tightening credit, dwindling consumer confidence, and supply chain disruptions, to name just a few. As individuals and businesses alike grapple with these issues, it is essential to understand the impact of these challenges and adapt accordingly.

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News Max: The Empowerment & Freedom of Financial Literacy

A shocking 43% of Americans are not financially literate, but think they are, according to research by the Milken Institute. Rising debt and delinquency rates further prove this point. But this problem has broader applications, according to Phelps.

While, this may seem to be an individual problem, the truth is that it actually causes significant problems, all the way up to the national level, because the effects of poor financial decisions ripple out far beyond the person who first made them.

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Daily Flash Show: Teaching Financial Literacy

Dr. David Phelps joins the working group for the financial literacy curriculum for K-12 students in the state of Florida, under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis.

Fox News: Financial expert: Government-fueled inflation is killing retirements

Stubborn inflation continues to bring pain as it chips away at consumers’ buying power, but the impact could be more far-reaching as the high cost of living upends Americans plans for the golden years.

Dr. David Phelps, argues in his latest book, “Inflation, The Silent Retirement Killer,” That decades of unchecked government spending coupled with the actions of the Federal Reserve made today’s inflation inevitable, and warns that investors must adjust and prepare for the long haul.

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Real Grit Podcast: Success Through Serving Others

Success is not a one-time event; it will take you a long time to realize the appropriate way for it. Dr. David Phelps joins the Real Grit podcast  to share his remarkable real estate experience and his determination to see it through. Listen in to learn about heartwarming accomplishments that may help you find yours!

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Inc: How Businesses Can Survive Inflation and Recession

As we all gradually get over the massive economic and societal hurdles the Covid-19 pandemic brought about, the U.S. economy is sliding into more drama: inflation and recessions.

Dr. David Phelps, author of Inflation: The Silent Retirement Killer explains, “We’ve had 40 years, from 1980 to 2020, where we’ve had disinflation and low interest rates, but then we turn a corner to face completely new rules.”

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Grit Daily: Entrepreneurs Prepare for Rough Economy Amid Record Inflation

“We’ve had 40 years, from 1980 to 2020, where we’ve had disinflation and low interest rates, but then we turn the corner to face completely new rules. We have rapidly growing inflation now, and as a result, higher interest rates. This means we have to learn how to do things differently.”

Phelps says the solution to the last economic crisis, stimulus via low interest rates, is at least partially the cause of our current problems.

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Tampa Bay Morning Blend: Talking to Dr. David Phelps about Financial Decisions

As a nationally recognized keynote speaker, David brings dynamite energy and rare insights into how to create financial freedom through passive income, how to build a real business that doesn’t take over your life, anti-traditional real estate investing, private lending, wealth-building legacy, and how to take responsibility and “own” your life.

View More Here ‘Own Your Freedom’ by Dr. David Phelps: A Real Estate Investing Blueprint

He sold his dental practice and poured the proceeds into real estate. It didn’t take him long to replace his income, but now he was generating it passively. This gave him the freedom of time without taking away the income he needed to support his family. During this process, Phelps realized something that shocked him — most of the financial industry was giving people bad advice…

Read More Here Survey: 90% of Home Seekers Are Concerned About Rising Energy Prices

Is the rising energy price a wake-up call? Will we see long-term consumer behavior changes towards a more energy-efficient lifestyle?

We’re already seeing changes today. In my home state of Texas, 7,352 megawatts of new wind, solar, and energy installation projects were completed last year, significantly outpacing California, which installed just 2,697 megawatts of similar projects. Demand for electric vehicles is surging as well.

Read More Here Why Now is Not the Time to Pay off Your Mortgage Early, According To Experts

Paying off your mortgage early may give you peace of mind, but it should never be prioritized over building up an emergency fund.

“Once you pay off debt or pay down debt, you now have more equity but less available cash when needed,” said Dr. David Phelps, real estat investor and founder and CEO of Freedom Founders. “There is safety in cash and cash flow. Equity also provides a level of safety, but cash flow is the oxygen that maintains your business or personal revenue needs. Equity by itself cannot do that.”

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The Table Read: Author Interview – Dr. David Phelps – Own Your Freedom

In August 2020, we were right in the middle of the pandemic. I realized that the people I serve, my Freedom Founders members mainly, but indeed the whole nation—were vulnerable to the extent that we’re entirely dependent upon our income. And, most people have never considered that a time could come that would prevent them from earning an income. For many, this was a wake-up call.

Read More Here How to Evaluate Multifamily Properties for the Highest ROI

“Get to know the market,” said David Phelps, Founder & CEO of the investment advising group Freedom Founders and author of Own Your Freedom: Sustainable Wealth for a Volatile World. “That means collaborating with other experts or influencers in the market.”

Phelps recommended attending real estate investors meetups or joining investor groups, or even looking at online forums to learn more about the real estate market in any given area and what’s needed to invest in a multi family investment property.

Read More Here Dr. David Phelps Wants to Help You to Achieve Financial Freedom

Dr. David phelps has a two-fold mission in writing his latest book, Own Your Freedom: Sustainable Wealth for a Volatile World. His primary intent in writing this book was to help others achieve financial freedom. It contains first-hand knowledge that David acquired while walking his own path to freedom. He knows we are all capable of great things. He wants to help people discover the joy of living debt-free for themselves.


Articles Written by Dr. David Phelps

Tampa Bay Business & Wealth: Avoid These 4 Common Investing Mistakes People Make in a Slow Economy

When the economy slows, most people don’t even realize it’s slowing because they don’t pay attention. They listen to the pundits on TV and think everything will stay as it’s been over the last 15 years, and the markets will keep topping out. They don’t realize that there’s a significant asymmetric risk because the higher the market goes, the greater the odds are that there will be a decline.

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Tampa Bay Business & Wealth: Where ‘Smart’ Money Is Going As The Economy Declines

The key to knowing how to move in an economy like the one we’re facing today because these challenges are something we haven’t seen in decades, so we have to adapt. The traditional investing strategies that work just fine 99% of the time can drive you into bankruptcy in a declining economy. In this environment, we first need to move away from paper assets, which include most of what Wall Street pushes, such as stocks, corporate bonds, CDs and other “paper” assets.

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Newsmax: The US Has Moved From a Creditor to a Debtor Nation—Our Survival Depends on Changing That

Our debt is the direct result of decades of reckless government spending coupled with a general lack of financial literacy among fellow citizens. It gets worse about every four years when politicians, who want to ensure they get enough votes to stay in office, start handing out taxpayer dollars with the same enthusiasm, that sweet old neighbor hands out Snickers bars to the endless parade of ghosts, superheroes, and Bluey on Halloween night.

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Newsmax: The Absurd $50 Minimum Wage Would Destroy Our Economy

There’s no denying that wages have been stagnant for a long time, so it’s no surprise that people are hurting in this economy and looking for solutions. Americans are essentially being squeezed on both sides, by low wages and high costs. It’s an untenable situation for a lot of people today. But arbitrarily raising the minimum wage would be disastrous.

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Dental Economics: What Financial Planners Are Getting Wrong About Inflation, Credit Contraction, Overvalued Equites and The Next 10 Years

Investors are seeking clues about where the markets are headed. Will there be a soft landing? Will the headwinds of inflation, rising national debt, and a burgeoning credit crisis push the economy into a recession? Or perhaps neither of those scenarios entirely.

For investors who want to step away from practice (and reduce their reliance on practice income), it is vital to have a financial plan that does not rely on accurately predicting the future.

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Dentistry Today: Are You Focusing on Financial Freedom or The Tools That Get You There? – Part 3

Multiple streams of income are a game-changer. They give you the ability to control your time, reduce stress, and plan for the future. In contrast, if you have a retirement savings wrapped up in a single investment, it can be very limiting and nerve-wracking. This is especially true if that investment is dependent on the unstable economic conditions of Wall Street and managed by someone else.

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Dental Economics: Double Down to Receive Financial Freedom (and retire sooner!)

You invested significant amount of time, money, and resources to graduate from dental school and practice dentistry. It took many years to become degreed, licensed, and ready to build your long – awaited practice with the commensurate lifestyle. At this point, many docs shift in mindset from development to execution, the vision quickly turns to gross revenue, profits, and efficient scheduling…

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Newsmax: Deflation, the Ticking Time Bomb Set to Burst Economy

With all the talk of inflation lately, another economic phenomenon is quietly percolating just below the surface, and when it finally emerges, it will catch most people off guard. That phenomenon is deflation, and while it comes with some benefits – the most significant being a reduction in the cost of goods and services through the economy, which can be a good thing when facing inflation, it also comes with risks…

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Benzinga: How Families Can Better Prepare for Economic Uncertainty

As reported, the state of our economy has evolved from “everything’s fine, and there’s no inflation” to “ok, there is inflation, but it’s just transitory,” to “well, yeah, of course, inflation is here, and it’s going to be here for a while,” most Americans are starting to wake up to the fact that we’re already facing a dire economic situation…

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Benzinga: Why the Economy Will Remain Weak for Far Longer Than Anyone Is Admitting

I stopped at a coffee shop a few days ago after returning from a meeting. I got my coffee and quietly sat down at a small table in the back corner. I opened up my laptop to begin digging into the due diligence on a property I was considering as an investment. But before I could get into my stride, my attention was grabbed when I heard a pundit on a national news program, which I won’t name, loudly proclaim that despite the inflation you and I see in everything we buy today, our economy will bounce right back…

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Dentistry Today: TODAYS DENTAL NEWS: Are You Focusing On Financial Freedom Or The Tools That Get You There? – Part 1

Most of us are entrepreneurs at heart. We want “the good life” and will do what it takes to get “there.” Go hard, level up, hustle… But is grinding a virtue or a vice? I recently posted a meme in an outline dental forum: My definition of grind = friction, abrasion. This post received tremendous positive and negative feedback, with positive out rankings the negative by 3:1.

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Newsmax Money: How The U.S. Economy Compares to 1970s Stagflation 

The economic environment we’re now facing closely resembles the brutal stagflation we faced in the 1970s, which devastated our economy and the lives of millions of Americans in the process. But before we get into exactly what that is and how it impacts all of us, let’s first unpack how we ended up where we are, economically, today..

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Dentistry Today: The DSO Bubble – Part 3 of 3

The sale of your practice not only marks the end of the significant professional chapter, but also the transition into a period where financial dexterity and the management of the proceeds becomes paramount. What is your plan for utilizing and safeguarding the equity after the sale? How will you replace your income from the practice with investment income post sale? Do you have a plan for shielding that capital from market volatility or a potential crash?

**This article was written with Alastair Macdonald

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Benzinga: What is Inflation and How Does it Affect Your Financial Situation?

While the media and most Americans today are talking about how inflation is ravaging our economy lately, few truly understand what inflation actually is, how it works, and most importantly how to adapt to minimize its adverse effects in their lives.

So in this article, I’m going to break all of that down in a way that anyone can understand, and I’m also going to share some advice on how to protect yourself from the financial erosion caused by inflation.

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Dentistry Today: The DSO Bubble – Part 2 of 3

The decision to sell a practice and partner with the DSO represents a significant financial transition that requires careful planning, financial acumen, and a keen awareness of the shifting economic landscape. You can secure your financial future through astute investments, proactive financial advocacy, and a thoughtful approach to capital preservation, and sustainable income generation.

**This article was written with Alastair Macdonald

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